
90 Second Videos On My Positions

Public Safety

There’s nothing more important than keeping our community safe. As a prosecutor, I’ve learned the importance of working together with our law enforcement officers, emergency management teams, and fire safety experts. My goal is to protect our community and keep our families safe.

Responsible Growth

I am devoted to making choices that foster the availability of affordable housing, taking into account the adverse effects on owner-occupied, single-family neighborhoods, while also ensuring responsible growth both presently and in the long term. I embrace the importance of actively seeking and valuing public feedback to incorporate community input into decision-making processes.

Fiscal Responsibility

I am committed to finding ways to support our local businesses and boost economic growth here in Tooele. By encouraging people to shop locally, we can keep money within our community instead of sending it elsewhere. This will also strengthen our tax revenue and directly benefit our local business owners. I also believe in keeping taxes low for both businesses and our community.

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

Thomas Jefferson

About Me

Tony has been a resident of Utah for more than two decades, and is proud to call Tooele home. Alongside his two lovely daughters and his spirited young son, he cherishes the everyday adventures they share together.

Tony previously served on Tooele City Council from 2020 to 2023 and Tooele City Planning Commission from 2018 to 2020.

Get In Touch

  • tfgraf@gmail.com
  • (801) 997-0092
